Hron-Danube eco cooperation – River cleanup action and awareness-building activities
The project addresses one of the greatest environmental challenges, microplastic pollution. Through the Hron-Danube river cleanup action and accompanying awareness-building activities, we aim to reduce pollution and establish long-term collaborations in the region on this
issue. We will also create several outcomes (e.g., short film, exhibition) that can be beneficial in other regions as well.
Project background
The project directs attention to one of the most important and urgently solvable environmental problems and offers a partial solution to it: the pollution of microplastics, which particularly affects our freshwater ecosystems worldwide. The majority of plastic waste in the environment doesn’t biodegrade but breaks down into tiny particles. The issue of microplastics, particles smaller than 5mm, gained prominence in the 2000s. They are omnipresent in our lives, as they enter the environment in various ways, from the wear and tear of car tires to the washing of synthetic fabric clothing. Since some of them contain carcinogenic substances, they pose a health risk to living organisms. It’s crucial to clean up our important freshwater sources because microplastics can easily enter the human food chain through drinking water. Measurements of microplastic pollution in Hungary show that the Danube is the most polluted, with the contribution of tributaries further fragmenting plastics in the Danube. Therefore, it is important not only to collect plastic waste in the Danube but also in its tributaries, preventing further fragmentation. The Hron has come into focus because, although there are no measurements on the subject, there is a visible abundance of plastic waste, as evidenced by the accumulation at the dams. We are also aware that it’s not enough to simply collect plastics; we need to influence the mindset and behavior of local residents. That’s why a consciousness-raising campaign accompanies the litter collection effort, including media campaign and traveling exhibition.
1. We are organizing a river cleanup action between Jur nad Hronom and Zebegény in the summer of 2024 with the participation of 30 people over 4.5 days. Twenty people will travel down the river in ten canoes simultaneously, and volunteers will dispose of the waste at
predetermined points. We will also film a short video about the action and distribute it. The goal is to motivate viewers to delve deeper into the issue and take steps to improve the condition of our freshwater ecosystems. 2. After the action, we plan to organize a traveling exhibition consisting of roll-up banners in 10 locations, including appearances at local events with stands. The venues will include schools, community centers, and larger gatherings. The exhibition will be displayed in each location for 1-2 weeks. 3. After the action, we will reach out to government agencies, companies, municipalities, and civil organizations (e.g., anglers) with an interest in keeping the river clean.
These discussions aim to involve them in future river cleanup actions, potentially in a way where they can organize their own initiatives.
These activities will be accompanied by a media campaign. We will publish articles on the subject five times: a project kickoff article, the announcement of the action, a report on the action, news about the traveling exhibition, and a project closing article. In each article, we will provide information, both briefly and in more detail, about the topic of water quality in rivers, the state of the rivers, and the steps that individuals, organizations can take to improve water quality.
Expected results:
The majority of river cleanup efforts, both in Hungary and Slovakia, focus on the physical cleaning of the river, while changing the mindset of local residents or dissemination of information mainly occurs through the media. However, our Hron-Danube action is paired with the creation and display of a roll-up exhibition at 10 different locations. These roll-up banners feature striking images, concise yet impactful text, and infographics that shed light on the background of river pollution, the issue of microplastics, and what individuals can do to reduce waste, practice proper waste management, and combat waste pollution. With the roll-up exhibition, we seek out local schools and community spaces to display them at eight busy locations. Additionally, we attend two regional, high-attendance events with a booth and roll-up banners. During these events, we also project the short film. Our goal is to reach a wide audience and have an impact on those who were already aware of the action, reinforcing the information previously provided and expanding upon it. Our presence at these events also
provides opportunities for further awareness-raising and information exchange, allowing us to communicate directly with locals. These occasions are important for us as well, as external parties can evaluate our work and provide advice for the continuation of our efforts. Out of the six roll-up banners, only one showcases the Hron-Danube river cleanup action, which means the other „general” roll-ups can be used in different regions or loaned to other organizations and communities.
Project partners:
1. Magosfa Környezeti Nevelési és Ökoturisztikai Alapítvány (Magosfa Foundation for Environmental Education and Ecotourism)
Hungary, Vác, coordinator, applicant

2. Občianske združenie Pohronie (Pohronie Civic Association)
Slovakia, Jur nad Hronom, partner /profile.php?id=100063727863693
Financial background:
The project is financially supported by the International Visegrad Fund.